Engagement opportunities for counselors
We sponsor a number of conferences and programs for educators and counselors to understand the latest information about UC admission policies and practices.
High School Counselor Conference
The UC High School Counselor Conference is offered annually during the first two weeks of September. Anyone who works with students preparing for first-year admission is encouraged to attend.
Ensuring Transfer Success
Ensuring Transfer Success (ETS) is a collaborative project of the University of California and the California Community Colleges. Anyone working with students who are considering or planning to transfer to UC is encouraged to attend.
Throughout the academic year, UC offers a series of webinars on relevant admission topics geared specifically for the high school or community college counseling community.
High school webinar series
California community college webinar series
UC for You | UC for Everyone
UC for You and UC for Everyone provide an opportunity for students, families and counselors to engage with each of our nine undergraduate UC campuses.