AP credits: Davis
Full details of UC Davis's AP credit awards can be found in the UC Davis catalog.All Colleges
AP credit cannot be used to satisfy the campus general education (GE) requirements, except as they may be applied to the English Composition component of the Literacy with Words and Images requirement.
African American Studies
Earns course equivalency credit for African American and African Studies (AAS) 010.
Earns course equivalency credit for Biological Sciences (BIS) 010.
Score of 3 or 4 earns course equivalency credit for Chemistry (CHE) 010. Score of 5 earns equivalency credit for Chemistry (CHE) 002A.
Computer Science
Computer Science A earns course equivalency credit for Computer Science Engineering (ECS) 032A.
Microeconomics earns course equivalency for Economics (ECN) 001A. Macroeconomics earns course equivalency for Economics (ECN) 001B.
Language & Composition or Literature & Composition score of 4 or 5 earns course equivalency credit for English (ENL) 003 or University Writing Program (UWP) 001.
Environmental Science
Earns course equivalency credit for Environmental Science and Policy (ESP) 010.
European History earns course equivalency credit for History (HIS) 004B and History (HIS) 004C. United States History earns course equivalency credit for History (HIS) 017A and History (HIS) 017B. World History: Modern earns course equivalency credit for History (HIS) 010B and History (HIS) 010C.
Human Geography
Earns course equivalency credit for Landscape Architecture (LDA) 010.
Language Other Than English
French Language & Culture: Score of 3 earns course equivalency of French (FRE) 003. Score of 4 earns course equivalency of French (FRE) 021. Score of 5 earns course equivalency of French (FRE) 022.
German Language & Culture: Score of 3 earns course equivalency of German (GER) 003. Score of 4 earns course equivalency of German (GER) 020. Score of 5 earns course equivalency of German (GER) 021.
Italian Language & Culture: Score of 3 earns course equivalency of Italian (ITA) 003. Score of 4 earns course equivalency of Italian (ITA) 021. Score of 5 earns course equivalency of Italian (ITA) 022.
Latin: Earns course equivalency of Latin (LAT) 002.
Spanish Language & Culture: Score of 3 earns course equivalency of Spanish (SPA) 021. Score of 4 earns course equivalency of Spanish (SPA) 022. Score of 5 earns course equivalency of Spanish (SPA) 023.
Spanish Literature & Culture: Score of 3 earns course equivalency of Spanish (SPA) 023. Score of 4 or 5 earns course equivalency of Spanish (SPA) 024.
Calculus AB exam score of 4 or 5 earn course equivalency credit for Mathematics (MAT) 012 or Mathematics (MAT) 017A or Mathematics (MAT) 019A or Mathematics (MAT) 021A.
Calculus BC exam score of 4 earns course equivalency credit for Mathematics (MAT) 012 or Mathematics (MAT) 017A or Mathematics (MAT) 019A or Mathematics (MAT) 021A.
Calculus BC exam score of 5 earns course equivalency credit for Mathematics (MAT) 012 or Mathematics (MAT) 017A or Mathematics (MAT) 019A or Mathematics (MAT) 021A and 021B or Mathematics (MAT) 021M.
Music Theory
Earns course equivalency credit for Music (MUS) 003A and Music (MUS) 003B.
Physics 1: Score of 4 or 5 earns course equivalency of Physics (PHY) 001A and Physics (PHY) 001B. Physics 2: Score of 4 or 5 earns course equivalency of Physics (PHY) 001A.
Physics C: Mechanics: Score of 4 or 5 earns course equivalency of Physics (PHY) 001A.
Score of 5 earns course equivalency credit for Psychology (PSC) 001.
Score of 4 or 5 earns course equivalency credit for Statistics (STA) 013.