Find your major

All UC campuses are open for fall 2025, but some majors may be closed for freshman or transfer applicants. 

Campus acceptance rates

Numbers are just part of the story. When we read your application, we weigh factors beyond grades and test scores to assess your accomplishments and potential to succeed at UC.

image/svg+xml UC Davis UC Berkeley UC Merced UC Santa Cruz UC Santa Barbara UC Riverside UC Irvine UC San Diego UCLA

UC Davis

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  • Students: 25087
  • Setting: Elit irure aute ea ex.
  • Fun Fact: Eiusmod magna eu veniam in velit esse aliquip velit.
  • Mascot: Cupidatat aliquip qui sint irure excepteur sint aliqua ullamco mollit ad ea.

Learn more about UC Davis

Nine campuses.
As diverse as our students.

Pristine beaches or towering redwood forests.
Downtown buzz or wide-open spaces.

Every one of UC’s nine campuses has something amazing to offer—and each is different from the next. Different programs. Different people. Different things to see and do.

It’s this diversity that opens minds. Reframes perspectives. And ultimately, makes UC one of the best public universities in the world.

Get ready for greatness

It’s easy to spot a UC grad. They’re the thinkers. The dreamers. The people questioning the unquestionable. Because a UC degree sets you apart. And sets you up for life.

Close to 90% of undergrads are CA residents, comprising a student body that is as diverse and vibrant as California itself

1.8 million alumni to help you move from college to career

UC grads have some of the highest starting salaries in the country

422 study abroad programs in 44 countries

A community where 39 percent of undergrads are the first in their family to earn a college degree

Higher graduation rates than other leading U.S. public research universities

2 out of 3 California students who applied to UC last year got in.

The future belongs to those with the curiosity and determination to shape it for the better. At UC, you can be one of them.

Campus programs & services

UC offers a robust array of programs and services designed to help every student have a fulfilling and stimulating college experience.